
The world's healing has now begun. This is the will of God to restore the Light on Earth. Soon, the Light of God will be the Light of all Souls, as the false nature of the ego is now dying. The Way of Spirit is emerging from the darkness that has held souls on the wheel of Karma for lifetimes. 

This is a time of Soul Retreat, where you can practice the Art of Being that is so needed now. Take this time to love yourself unconditionally, to let the past go and remember who you are. Train your energy to reach for God, through this intention you begin to surrender the mind and emotions that are conditioned by fear. Through deep stillness, in your quiet rest, see the truth of your Eternal Soul. Your unchanging Light lives within you through out the changing nature of form, you are the formless Light of God. Victory to the Light!

The energetic challenge we are facing is the world's collective emotion of fear. Through seeing this fear in our own lives and in the world we begin to change it, as in the very seeing, there is the miracle of correction. The affirmation to release this fear is " I am a being of Light that is not bound to the collective consciousness of fear, that is trapped in the lower dimension of earth.

Through my Light, I affirm the highest transformation that is in the realm of possibility now.

Teach Love Now. All One, All Love~ The Council of Light. '


Seek the Kingdom


Sacred Channeling